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View Full Version : ABS Problems?

(S.M.R) 101
03-27-2011, 10:36 AM
So yesterday I was scouting a proposed pipeline and I came up to a curve on this dirt road and there was still snow on it I was moving a little fast so I hit the brakes to slow down and the tires just locked up and I was sliding.. No ABS light or codes thrown but the ABS is not working you can feel nothing in the break pedal when you stop on a slipery surface just locks up the tires.... Any of you heard anything or had something happen like this to you? I know they were working just a few weeks ago we had a bad snow storm and I slid a few times while on the breaks and the ABS worked fine.

03-27-2011, 11:05 AM
Damn dude...I thought you had that big 3500 dually for work? Maybe it's time for an upgrade. :D

(S.M.R) 101
03-27-2011, 11:22 AM
yeah I actually took another job with a different company the company I was with before is the one that gave the company truck. If I would have stayed with them I would not have a life they wanted me all over the place and they wanted to re-negotiate my contract after I had already signed a contract with them and what they wanted was not looking good to me (they wanted more for less) in other words. But I did get to drive the truck for 4 weeks :Big Laugh: But now i'm with this new company and and I love it so far I actually have time to do what I want instead of being on notice to drive all over the united states if the last company told me too. Speaking of upgrade I went and test drove a 4th Gen Power Wagon yesterday....and I'm digging them a whole lot lol..

03-27-2011, 12:42 PM
Do it! Do it! Do it!

Then come home and let's mod that biatch!

(S.M.R) 101
03-27-2011, 12:54 PM
hahaha yeah man I'm down for that! But I have a Primered front and back bumper with a primered grille shell in my shopping cart at LMC truck and now I don't know if I want to order it all if I'm going to sell my truck. Also I like buying my trucks at the get go and if I buy this one I'll have payments......Which I hate but it is a smooth looking truck.. But who knows...I would however like to get my emblems painted to match my truck so maybe when I come down if you have a day off or something you could help me in picking the supplies to do everything. I'm going to get some different rims but I want to plasti the stock ones for winter time so I want to do that when I come home too..

(S.M.R) 101
03-27-2011, 02:30 PM
Here is the PW I test drove...it's at my dealer in NY



03-27-2011, 07:06 PM

(S.M.R) 101
03-27-2011, 07:45 PM
I know right. Just don't know if I like the $48,000 price tag that comes with it lol

03-27-2011, 07:48 PM
no shit.....

03-27-2011, 11:07 PM
It's just money! Get it and I'll help do some mods on it to!

03-28-2011, 02:25 PM
I already offered that and it doesn't seem to have helped.

I wonder if buying there or here at home is cheaper? I would think here due to cost of living.

(S.M.R) 101
03-28-2011, 03:07 PM
NY taxes on vheicles is border line stupid.. I (if I do decide to buy) will prolly buy in oklahoma.. sales tax on cars up here is around 8.375%.. might have gone up some from that but not sure. they got me once with this truck I have now they will not get me again. But I have decided to save up for awhile berfore I buy something else.. I'm just going to do some mods to mine now and be happy with it...

You guys sure do temp me to buy a new one tho hahaha..